Amy Hall, Eileen Fisher’s director of Social Consciousness, spends a lot of her time in what she calls “the gray zone.” It’s a place that shouldn’t include human trafficking—but might. In her company’s supply chain, the most likely location is Prato, Italy. An ancient and walled city, Prato has a high concentration of Chinese immigrants. Some arrive legally, welcomed by factories and mills looking for cheap labor to produce “Made in Italy” garments. Others agree to pay a broker or “snakehead” an exorbitant fee to be smuggled in on a tourist visa—$10,000 according to an account in Businessweek. Once in Prato, workers find that they are trapped in foul sweatshops earning an average of $650 a month, struggling to pay their broker fees. “This kind of debt bondage can happen anyplace where there is cheap pay for hard work,” says Amy.